11 Responses to “Jim Bishop’s Fabbri Evolution at California’s Orange County Fair”
I Think the Evolution should come to the 2010 Indiana State Fair which is next year . It be the first time the Evolution at the 2010 Indiana State Fair which net year. Plus it look like a cool rire to ride.
I used to work this ride, as well as the Top Spin, for Jim “Big Daddy” Bishop and all I can say is that the entire Bshop crew of ride jocks is on meth and weed all the time. At the California State Fair in 1998, Jim and his wife even gave one of their foremen a new identity so he could continue to run the ride after failing the state mandated drug screening. You ride a Bishop ride and your life is in the hands of a bunch of tweekers who are working from about 7 am til 1 in the morning every day without a day off. Just makes them do more drugs to handle the long hours.
to whoever said that the bishop crew is a bunch of tweekers you are so wrong i have traveled with them for ten years and that crew is a great bunch of guys. i ride bishop rides all the time and i feel safe on their rides so shut up.
@ connie Well said, I’ve been on Bishop’s rides for years and they are top notch. The Bishops really take excellent care of their equipment. Their Evo looks brand new yet the ride is 16 years old.
Heya christian, connie… anyway, those ignorant
people that speak negative about the bishops
Just so happens we are some of
the best in the business at what we do!!!…
I have been with it and for it since the 1970’s. I’ve always been a power systems/PLC mechanic through all of my years in show biz. After 30 years in show biz, I’d love an opportunity to take my vast experience onto the carnival circuit. RCS has paved the way. Now, let’s take the next step to integrating the modern midway into the digital age. I am making this up as I know that most midways are light years behind the technology. I see a day where al of the sound on a midway is sourced from a single audio server, tickets are handled in real time, and everything from ride cycles to midway lighting is handled from the central office. Although I don’t need a new job, or want to quit mine right now, there might be a show that has a vision as clear and far seeing as mine. That’s a show that I could get on board with…
I Think the Evolution should come to the 2010 Indiana State Fair which is next year . It be the first time the Evolution at the 2010 Indiana State Fair which net year. Plus it look like a cool rire to ride.
Brandon White - August 27th, 2009 at 9:55 am
Holy Moly! That is amazing! I want to go on that ride really badly!
Jill - September 10th, 2009 at 10:00 am
At the first comment: Jim Bishop’s Evolution travels with Ray Cammack Shows. It only goes to Texas, Arizona, and California.
Christian - November 12th, 2009 at 8:38 pm
I used to work this ride, as well as the Top Spin, for Jim “Big Daddy” Bishop and all I can say is that the entire Bshop crew of ride jocks is on meth and weed all the time. At the California State Fair in 1998, Jim and his wife even gave one of their foremen a new identity so he could continue to run the ride after failing the state mandated drug screening. You ride a Bishop ride and your life is in the hands of a bunch of tweekers who are working from about 7 am til 1 in the morning every day without a day off. Just makes them do more drugs to handle the long hours.
Rick Holeman - June 9th, 2010 at 9:39 am
to whoever said that the bishop crew is a bunch of tweekers you are so wrong i have traveled with them for ten years and that crew is a great bunch of guys. i ride bishop rides all the time and i feel safe on their rides so shut up.
connie - December 4th, 2010 at 11:04 am
another bad ass ride, i would love to film this ride in my motion picture dabute same go’s for chaos.
sir erick whitley - May 17th, 2011 at 1:49 am
@ connie Well said, I’ve been on Bishop’s rides for years and they are top notch. The Bishops really take excellent care of their equipment. Their Evo looks brand new yet the ride is 16 years old.
The Evolution Rider - June 25th, 2011 at 8:59 pm
i have not been on it yet but it sure looks fun
christie - July 28th, 2011 at 1:56 pm
Heya christian, connie… anyway, those ignorant
people that speak negative about the bishops
Just so happens we are some of
the best in the business at what we do!!!…
jeremy - December 25th, 2011 at 5:05 pm
I have been with it and for it since the 1970’s. I’ve always been a power systems/PLC mechanic through all of my years in show biz. After 30 years in show biz, I’d love an opportunity to take my vast experience onto the carnival circuit. RCS has paved the way. Now, let’s take the next step to integrating the modern midway into the digital age. I am making this up as I know that most midways are light years behind the technology. I see a day where al of the sound on a midway is sourced from a single audio server, tickets are handled in real time, and everything from ride cycles to midway lighting is handled from the central office. Although I don’t need a new job, or want to quit mine right now, there might be a show that has a vision as clear and far seeing as mine. That’s a show that I could get on board with…
Paul Fabre - April 24th, 2013 at 2:13 pm
omgod i rode his shit and i almost shit my pants lol jk this is fucken awesome i got on it with my bby
ana - May 18th, 2013 at 10:28 am